Setting Event Actions

These entries are used to raise a first (primary) Event Action record against the new Event Record.  Within this definition the following details are held:

Where a Follow-up Action is defined the record is displayed on the Target User's Outstanding Actions list until the specific Action has been processed.

Entries on the section of the Panel are auto-completed as entries are made on the display.

Action Taken

Select the Action Taken entry from the pull-down selection.  The selection made may define following fields:

Action Method

Set the Action Method if not already defined automatically.

Required Action

Set the Required Action that you are requiring from the specified recipient of the Action.

Follow-up By

This field will have been completed automatically from the Action By entry higher up the entry panel.  Change this field if necessary.

Follow-up Date

This Date / Time will be set.  The target value may be altered using standard Date/Time prompts.

Entry Notes

This open Text Field allows a custom note or comment to be logged against the Action Record when it is saved.

CC List

This command button offers a prompt from the full Current User list from which one or more Names may be selected.  When the Incident Record is saved it adds an additional Copied for Information Action Record for each User selected under the command button prompt.  These entries will then show on the target User's Outstanding Actions list until the receipt of the message is acknowledged.